Want to help us out?

Here are a few ways you can get involved with our trip!

Reflect on being a driver

We believe that bicycles are cheap, efficient, useful tools that deserve a place in our society. By the time our trip is over, our bikes will have carried us and ~60 lbs of gear each for thousands of miles .

But America's roads are designed to favor cars. This means that as cyclists on the road, we often feel very vulnerable. Each year, hundreds of cyclists like us are killed by drivers. Please reflect on the vulnerability faced by cyclists everywhere, and do your part to learn about driving safely around cyclists, and other non-car road users.

Like the idea of hosting touring cyclists?

Sign up to be a host on WarmShowers. While touring, cyclists will very much appreciate any kind of support. People offer things ranging from backyard camping space to a full room and a meals and food for the road. At the end of a day, a comfortable place to sleep, shower, and eat can make a huge difference. If you have spare rooms or space and would like to meet interesting people from all around the world, consider signing up! A little generosity from you can go a long way. We have found most of our hosts through warmshowers and the support has completely changed our trip. It wouldn't be possible without them.

Want to buy us a meal?

We are not at risk of starvation but require thousands of calories each day and certainly like to live on the cheap in ways that some would consider inhumane (voluntarily). If you would like to stop this, send us a few dollars (or a lot of them) with one of the following options and we will send you a picture of us eating your meal along with a note of gratitude! You can send instructions with your money if you want us to send a funny picture, post card, use it for something specific, or have any other creative ideas to go with it! Please include a phone number or an email if you don't think we have one for you already.

If you are somewhere on the route (see home page) and would like to host us for a night send us an email (see bottom of page).


Venmo: @DaviNest

SquareCash: $DavidNester or 4192962772